Bigpond webmail service is one of the most common use webmail used by Australian users.
Sending & receiving emails have become one of the most important parts of communication and that’s why you can’t bear any issues with your email ID. Almost everyone knows to find out lost password as it is quite a simple method to retrieve your password back. If you are using Bigpond services, you must be able to communicate at a faster pace. Although, Google has been ruling for some past years there is a number of people who are using Bigpond services. What can you do if you find certain issues while sending or receiving emails? How can you troubleshoot those problems? Here are some reasons due to tow which you might face difficulty in receiving emails on Bigpond.
When you use outdated settingsThe customers who are old Bigpond mail user should know that server setting is changed now. IF you want to know about the status of your Bigpond email, then you can check your status on the official Bigpond site. The users whose Bigpond mailboxes are hosted on should always use IMAP settings. In case, your email application allows you to use the Hotmail option while adding an account, then it is automatically going to use IMAP settings.
When your account is identified as spamIf an account is compromised, then there are great chances that it will be suspended and then identified as the source of spam. All devices should be scanned from time to time and make sure that you update internet security services always. When you get the confirmation that your device is free from viruses or malicious activities, you can contact the tech customer support team. They will help you to activate your account again and at that time you will receive a new password. Make sure that you change your password with the help of given guidelines. Always use a new password which shouldn’t be matching with the old passwords. It will be great if you will confirm that there is not any kind of unexpected email reply or forwarding through your account. You can change it in settings of your account and this can be done with simple and easy steps. You won’t need more than five minutes to get rid of this small issue but if you will keep ignoring it, your account can get permanently disabled. Of course! You don't want that to happen ever and that’s why always follow the troubleshooting steps to get rid of any issues related to mail services.
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